Transformation Initiative

Becoming the Spirit led organization you are called to be…

Welcome to The Transformation Initiative, a groundbreaking approach to spiritual formation tailored to your organization, church, or university.

Our approach merges both top-down and bottom-up strategies, creating a deeply spirit-led organization that embodies the life and mission of Jesus in our world.

Click the appropriate button below to discover how the Transformation Initiative could help your organization.

  • If we teach what we know, but reproduce who we are, then it is our responsibility as leaders to commit ourselves to deep personal transformation.

    Patricia D. Brown explains,

    “The failure of leaders to deal with their own souls, their inner life, is deeply troubling not only for themselves but also for other persons in the misery they cause. The destructive consequences from leaders who fail to work out of a deep sense of their inner self are staggering. Leaders have a particular responsibility to know what is going on inside their souls. For leaders, this means taking the journey in and down. As they become fully awake, they come to know and understand what it is within that betrays them and those they strive to serve. “
    - Learn to Lead from Your Spiritual Center

    Healthy leaders tend to lead healthy organizations and ministries.

    By investing in the spiritual health of your staff through spiritual direction, you will begin to see the positive ripple effects of healthier personal lives, balanced leadership, and a heightened ability to discern God's direction in their areas of oversight.

    By utilizing our subscription services, organizations are offered the unique opportunity to provide spiritual direction to their team at a highly discounted rate.

  • For colleges and universities, imagine taking it a step further by extending spiritual direction to both your staff and your students. By fostering a holistic approach from the top down and the bottom up, you are providing comprehensive spiritual care for your entire campus.

    The result?

    A profoundly spirit-led organization embodying the life and mission of Jesus in a world that so desperately needs it.

    We know the impact one individual can have when living in sync with the calling of the Holy Spirit. Imagine what a movement of even ten individuals could have as they deepen their relationship with the Lord, seek His guidance, and live in faithful obedience!

    Through spiritual direction, you are helping your students to experience the transformative love of God, discern the voice of the Holy Spirit, and to live more fully into their identity in Christ. 

    The fruit of this kind of ministry is profoundly impactful resulting in:

    • Deeply formed individuals who are rooted in Christ as they grapple with important questions around identity, career, calling, and relationships

    • Students who, by loving God and others, exemplify Jesus’ life and mission, both within their local communities and across the globe (Acts 1:8)

    • Fostering a new stream of potential students from churches, ministries, and families who have experienced firsthand the impact of deeply formed graduates from your college/university
