Suffering and the Formation of Hope

Spiritual growth through suffering and hope in pain

As spiritual directors, we have the sacred privilege of journeying with those entrusted to our care. Much like panning for gold, our role is to sift through the mud and rocks—the pain, conflict, and struggles that surface in people's lives—and draw attention to the flecks of gold: the ways God is at work in the midst of it all. But those muddy, rocky moments of suffering and challenge have their own critical purpose in our formation.

In his book, The Deepest Place, Curt Thompson writes, “Suffering, while not God’s ideal intention, is a necessary element in our becoming our truest, most beautiful, most heaven-ready selves... He seems just as plainly committed to using suffering—for reasons that are a great mystery to me—to transform us into who He wants us to become.”

Though we may wish it weren't so, transformation often requires the presence of suffering. There are depths of change that seem unreachable without pain. Personally, without walking through seasons of difficulty, I wouldn’t have been open to the deep work God wanted to do in me. Suffering softens our hearts, making us more receptive to the shaping work of the Holy Spirit, painful as it may be. Ironically, it is in our brokenness that true spiritual transformation begins, as we come face to face with our need for grace.

Reflect on the most transformative seasons of your own life. Were they marked by ease or by hardship? Most of us grow the most in times of struggle, whether from our own choices or from circumstances outside our control. In those times, having someone walk alongside us is invaluable. We need others to help us see how even the most senseless pain can become a channel for God’s grace, healing, and growth. As a spiritual director, I’ve seen this in my own life and in the lives of those I accompany—suffering, though hard, can forge resilience, deeper love, and hope.

Few books articulate this as well as Curt Thompson’s The Deepest Place. If you're in a season where your pain feels meaningless, this book might be a gift to you.

As wounded healers, we know firsthand that suffering can shape us into something beautiful. In community, we name our wounds and journey together, becoming more like Christ through the refining fire of life’s trials.

If you're navigating a difficult season and would benefit from someone walking alongside you, please feel free to reach out. I'd be honored to walk with you in this sacred process of transformation.


The Heroic Journey


God's Growth Plan For Your Life