Suffering and the Formation of Hope
Suffering and the Formation of Hope
As spiritual directors, we have the sacred privilege of walking with others through the highs and lows of life. Often, it’s the seasons of suffering that shape us most deeply. Pain, conflict, and struggle are like the rocks and mud in a stream, but if we’re willing to sift through them, we can find the flecks of gold—evidence of God’s presence and work in our lives.
Curt Thompson, in his book The Deepest Place, says it well: “Suffering... is a necessary element in our becoming our truest, most beautiful, most heaven-ready selves.” Though it’s not what any of us would choose, suffering often opens our hearts to the deep work God longs to do in us.
When I reflect on my own life and the lives of those I’ve journeyed with, it’s clear that the most significant growth often comes through the hardest seasons. It’s in these moments that we need others to walk alongside us, helping us see that even senseless pain can become an avenue for God’s grace and transformation.
If you find yourself in such a season, I encourage you to pick up The Deepest Place. And if you’d like someone to walk with you through your journey, please reach out—I’d be honored to join you as we listen for God’s voice together.