About Me

Hi, I’m Mike.

I’m a husband, father of two, and spiritual director with more than two decades of experience in pastoral ministry. I began to feel the call towards becoming a spiritual director in 2014 which led me to complete The Academy of Spiritual Formation and The School of Spiritual Direction through SoulFormation.

Having walked through seasons of significant loss, depression, and burnout in my role as a pastor, I've come to understand the importance of having a soul friend that can walk alongside us to help us make sense of our faith journey.

Gordon T. Smith explains that, “A spiritual director offers spiritual guidance and companionship to help us make sense of our faith journey, interpret with us the significant markers on the road, and encourage us, particularly through the more difficult transitions and valleys of our pilgrimage. Most of all, a spiritual director helps us make sense of the witness of the Spirit - assisting us to respond well to the question, ‘How is God present to me and how is God, through the ministry of the Spirit, at work in my life?’”

Regardless of what season of life you find yourself in, Spiritual Direction is a powerful ministry that helps individuals take a deeper dive in their walk by listening for the voice of God with a trusted soul friend.

When we do the hard work of discerning God’s voice in our lives and then respond in faithful obedience to Him, the Kingdom of God breaks loose all around us.

If you are interested in taking the next step, I would be honored to join you in your journey as we listen for the voice of The Holy Spirit together.


Helping people discern and respond to the voice of God in their lives.


Creating space for people to experience the transformative love of God, discern the voice of the Holy Spirit, and live more fully into their identity in Christ.


Morris Dirks, Ph.D. - Founder of SoulFormation

“I can confidently recommend Mike Labrum to you as a spiritual director and soul friend.  It has been an honor to journey with him in his work as a pastor for over 15 years. Mike is spiritually intuitive — he listens carefully, asks deep questions, and knows how to help people encounter God. Mike understands all the challenges that life and ministry bring. If you are looking for a spiritual guide be sure to consider Mike Labrum.”

Sam Rima, Ph.D. - Author of Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership

“I have known Mike as a ministry colleague while serving together on a church staff team, as a good friend, a fellow Spiritual Director and, more importantly, as an ardent seeker of a deeper relationship with Jesus. Mike is the kind of spiritual director I would look for; someone who has mined the depths of his journey with God to learn invaluable lessons about discerning God’s presence and work in both the challenges and triumphs of life. I am confident that Mike is the kind of Spiritual Director and soul friend who will serve as a wise guide to help anyone seeking a deeper experience of God’s grace and love and learn how to experience God’s presence in all of life”.

Monty Wright, District Superintendent of the Alliance NW

Monty Wright, Ph.D. - District Superintendent of Alliance NW

“I have known Mike for a number of years and have found him to be a thoughtful, consistent, caring, and Spirit-led leader. If you are looking for a Spiritual Director, or a speaker/facilitator to help you or your group form more deeply, I would highly recommend Mike.”

Organizations Deeper Walk
has worked with:

“The experience of spiritual direction has filled a longing in my soul. It has helped me be more attentive to the whispers of the Holy Spirit in my life.”

— Alice Fryling