An Invitation to Let Go
There is a season for everything. As we navigate this fall season, where might the Lord be inviting you to “let go”?
I am weary, God, but I can prevail.
The bridge between our weariness and prevailing is a relationship with our creator.
Putting gas back in the tank…
For many of us, we run so hard from thing to thing that we never stop to put gas back in the tank. We’re running on empty, struggling with burnout and longing for another way… a better way. The good news for us is that Jesus offers us a better way. In Him we can refuel and learn to live out of the overflow of His goodness and life rather than coasting from one thing to the next on fumes. Are you tired? Are you worn out? Burned out on religion? It’s time to recover your life.
Poured out…
As we navigate the challenges of life, we can often feel as though we are being thoroughly poured out, down to the last drop. Sometimes a season of emptying is required for preparing us for a new filling by the Holy Spirit.
When you’re under attack…
At one point or another, we’ve all experience spiritual attack. But what if there were a sort of “rules of engagement” that could better prepare us for when those attacks come? Thankfully, there is…
It all matters…
Everything you are experiencing in this current season of your life matters. God is found in all things.
Become a non-anxious presence…
Have you ever felt hijacked by your emotions? Have you ever been going throughout your day when a careless comment, a sudden fear or event beyond your control held you hostage? How do we keep these anxieties from throwing us into a tail spin? How do we become more of a non-anxious presence? If you’ve ever wondered how to become a more centered person, this practice can help…
The Prayer of Examen
How do we learn to discern the voice of God in our lives? How do we know God’s will? How do we experience God in the daily grind? The Prayer of Examen helps us learn to listen for God in our everyday lives.