Three Gauges: Emotional

Emotional Health

Have you ever been driving down the road when the gas light comes on and catches you off guard? In the busyness of life, it is so easy to overlook some of the crucial details that can make the difference between making it to your destination or finding yourself on the side of the road. 

The same is true when it comes to self-care. On the dashboard of your life there are three gauges that are important to keep an eye on to ensure you’re running well: your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Neglecting any of these three areas can leave us stranded on the side of the road wondering what happened. 

Consider the emotional gauge: How would you evaluate your current emotional health? Have you noticed warning signs lately that you’ve been ignoring?  

How would you rate your current stress or anxiety level? When left unchecked anxiety, stress, and depression can drain the color out of our world making it hard to function. 

If you’ve been experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, grief or depression please consider finding a counselor to process with (happy to make a recommendation!).  

If your stress and anxiety levels are more moderate, consider: When was the last time you did something that you really enjoyed... just for fun? Are there hobbies or activities that you do, not because you must, but simply because you enjoy it? A key way we can put gas in our emotional tank is by taking time to do activities that you enjoy. 

Take a moment to prayerfully consider:  

Are there ways that I need to prioritize my emotional health as I step into the new year?  
What is one tangible step I can take this week to put gas back in my emotional tank? 


Three Gauges: Spiritual


Three Gauges: Physical