Three Gauges: Spiritual
Have you ever been driving down the road when the gas light comes on and catches you off guard? In the busyness of life, it is so easy to overlook some of the crucial details that can make the difference between making it to your destination or finding yourself on the side of the road.
The same is true when it comes to self-care. On the dashboard of your life there are three gauges that are important to keep an eye on to ensure you’re running well: your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Neglecting any of these three areas can leave us stranded on the side of the road wondering what happened
Consider the spiritual gauge: How would you gauge your current spiritual health?
How have you sensed the closeness and goodness of God in your life lately? And if you haven’t, what do you desire it to be? What spiritual rhythms have filled your soul in the past?
Take a moment to prayerfully consider:
Are there ways that I need to prioritize my spiritual health as I step into the new year?
In what ways might God be inviting me to build regular spiritual rhythms or practices into my life?
Whether you are wrestling with questions around faith, feel stuck in a desert, or long for a deeper experience in your walk with Jesus, I would love to meet with you!